Limited Edition

Lemon Olive Oil

Zesty Notes - Fresh Feel - Vibrant Finish

315 EGP

This rich blend of our finest hand picked olives is introduced to the refreshing essential oils extracted from our locally sourced lemons. Bursting with zesty citrus notes as well as vitamin C, it adds a sunny flavor to any dish.

Oil Acidity
  • Recommended for:

    Seasoning and dressings.

  • Try it with:

    Fish, salad dressings, fresh bread, and lemony desserts.

  • Shelf life:

    Two years from production at the most.


Intense, from deep green to golden green


Citrusy with hints of lemon peel


Sweet, slightly bitter, and zesty, with hints of lemon peel

Product will be delivered within 2 to 5 working days

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