Our Essence

About Us

Starting off in 1998 as a humble side project among a host of family focused endeavors; Rammah Farms represents one man’s tireless dedication towards bringing a world-class standard of olive oil to the Egyptian market.

Locally grown and sourced from a carefully selected range of regional and global olive cultivars, Rammah Farms offers a premium selection of extra virgin olive oils to the Egyptian dinner table. Every variety from the reliable Farm Standard all the way to the refreshing Orange Infusion gives each dish a flavor, body and soul far beyond what the palate can expect.

Rammah Farms dedicates its efforts to cultivating a better understanding of the true benefits and gastronomic appeal of olive oil in all its varieties.

I don’t consider what we do to just be olive oil; I’m furthering my father’s dreams and ambitions with each bottle filled. Same as any other loving son. But in these bottles is much more than hand-picked, cold-pressed olive oil. These bottles contain the story of a man who wanted to cause a much-needed change. That’s what Rammah Farms is: A story in every drop. A story that I hope will fill your table with timeless flavor.

- Ramy Naguib Rammah

Our Mission

The Rammah Farms Mission is to bring to the Egyptian family an elevated standard of olive oil and related products that can rival as well as surpass that of the world’s most critically acclaimed brands.

Our Vision

The Rammah Farms Vision is to place Egypt high above the world’s most renowned olive oil providers via unyielding development in terms of technology, technique, industrial approach and quality control. This is in addition to helping individuals from all walks of life to reconnect with nature in meaningful and rewarding ways so as to give people a renewed sense of appreciation for our planet.

Our People

Driven by a Dream

Ramy Naguib Rammah

Founder & CEO

Taking the torch from the late great Mohamed Naguib Rammah, Ramy is the middle son of his father’s clan, as well as its most industrious. Having left city life and an unenviable yet revered professional background to greener pastures, Ramy took on his father’s legacy quite literally from the ground up. Ramy spends his years rapidly and relentlessly improving upon his father’s humble beginnings, turning what was once a simple 10-acre farm into an industrial achievement in the world of extra virgin olive oil. He carries his father’s love and ambition in every endeavor within and without Rammah Farms. He makes it a near daily routine to ensure the utmost quality in every step of the process of creating the company’s various products.

Mostafa Amin El-Shourbagy

Head of Marketing & Operations

A man of boundless grace and unrelenting yet effortless ambition, Mostafa is Rammah Farms’ second in command and, for all intents and purposes, its operations mastermind. Originally, a pharmacy graduate of MIU, Mostafa learned that his passions lay not on shelves of antibiotics and painkillers, but among nature, cuisine, warm friendship and the pursuit of a life best lived. He crossed paths with Ramy Rammah during his Masters of Business Administration course at AASTMT, quickly bonding over a shared love of good food, great company and even greater business ventures. Aside from handling the majority of managerial matters behind Rammah Farms; Mostafa makes it a priority to present the company’s various offerings and capabilities in the most appropriate and appealing manner. He achieves this via his growing compendium of marketing, social media and corporate social responsibility.

Ahmed Ikram Ibrahim

Copywriting & Content Consultant

Without the appropriate words, thoughts often stay within the confines of the mind. This responsibility typically falls solely on the shoulders of men like Ahmed. A talented writer with a knack for turning stray thoughts into fully articulated and emotionally rich stories, Ahmed came from a humble Pharmacy background, and only recently discovered his talent with the written word. He had already been friends with Mostafa, Head of Marketing and Operations, for more than seven years, and through one fateful recommendation to founder Ramy; Ahmed managed to give Rammah Farms its essence and spirit. Ahmed handles all things copywriting, content, creative and even has an eye for potential business ventures whenever the opportunity arises. His place in Rammah Farms is that of innovation, and whether it’s with his words, thoughts or actions; he's always coming up with results.

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